Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Aiden's Story

Aiden was born April 27th, 2007. The minute Aiden was born, we knew something had not gone as planned. After birth, Aiden was immediately rushed from the room and placed on a ventilator.

He stayed in the NICU for 2 weeks and we only got ot visit him a few times a day. But, that's all it took to win our hearts!

After that, things seemed to be progressing normally, until Aiden was 3 1/2 months old. He began having small seizures in clusters of 15-20 multiple times an hour.

We eventually learned that he had a rare condition called infantile spasms. He was also later diagnosedwith cerebral palsy due to a lack of oxygen suring the birth and medical error. We knew we had a long journey ahead of us!

Aiden is now 3 years old and we take life one day at a time! Although he's full of life and brightens our day with the slightest laugh or smile, everyday tasks can be a struggle.
Due to his conditions, and effects of medications he is severely delayed. Aiden does not walk, talk, or feed himself. Each day is like taking care of a young infant the size of a 3 year old!

Also, these effects have caused his body structure to start to form abnormally.
In the last year, Aiden has been taken off ALL seizure medications!! Although he still has a few seizures, they are minimal compared to the amount we previously saw.

This has all0wed Aiden to advance his motor skills and respond to stimuli like never before.

NOW that he is advancing, we have to correct the effects of lost time and begin to help Aiden grow and continue to gain new skills and abilities!

Due to Aiden's condition. his hips have begun to turn out abnormally. In order to correct this, there are 2 options. First, if not corrected quickly, Aiden will have to have his hip joints broken and repositioned by spica full body casting.

The second option is to purchase a special bike that exercises his hips and legs in the correct position and makes them stronger as well as forming the correct posture and body positioning.

This bike costs almost $4000 to purchase but will correct the problem and prevent surgery!

Due to the high cost and urgency of the situation, we ar asking for the assistance of our family and friends!

We are doing a fundraiser in order to raise money for the equipment Aiden needs. We are selling candles, food mixes, gift wrap, etc. Our goal is to raise the $4000 for the special bike by January 1st, 2011! Please leave a message if you would like to purchase something to help Aiden.

In the photos section of Aiden's facebook page, there is a listing off all fundraiser items.!/pages/Help-Aiden-Castleman-My-Little-Hero/167196146633269?v=wall
Coming soon, I will have a donation link to donate or pay for fundraising orders online!

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